How to take down 50mm Venetian Blinds for cleaning and repair.
It is simple enough when you see how. We didn’t make the video below.
This video shows a top faceboard with plastic clips that hold the headboard on.
Often the headboards will be velcroed on or sometimes have double sided tape.
With double sided tape the tape often goes hard with the heat so be careful removing the headboard. Use a flat knife to ease it off the head rail. Just slip the knofe between the head board and the tape and s;ice the tape of the head board.
Another model (Weathermaster or NZ Window Shades), has metal clips and the head board will clip off. Mark the position of the clips once you remove the head board for easy return of the head board. Sometimes the tiny screws that hold the brackets on pull out. If so you can replace the brackets with velcro.
Video shows the brackets and how to remove the blind.

50 mm Venetian Blind Brackets. How to open.