As bad as it gets.

After the clean.

Roman Blind very mouldy.

After the clean.

Mum’s nice curtains.
Call Curtain Clean.

Matted cat hair on the lining. Claw marks on the curtain.

From that to this. Clean and fresh.

What grows behind your r curtain

Behind your curtains.

- Curtain after Cleaning. Mould and stain completely gone.

Live Mould on a curtain.

Mouldy Inside of a Blockout Hem.
Close Comparison.

Curtains before and after cleaning.

Cleaned compared with before clean.
Roman Blinds.

- Roman blind before Clean

- Same blind after clean.
Roman Blinds

Roman blinds before and after.

Smokers curtains YUK. From a bedroom.
Smokers curtains YUK.
From a bedroom.
Curtains that were Stored Wet.

Curtains Stored wet. Big curtains restored and rehung.

Stage curtains from Greerton Village hall.

A 4 meter high Curtain.

Swags and Tails.

Swags and Tails and Curtains.

The inside of the Tent wall.

Tent side before cleaning

After Cleaning.

Austrian Blinds.

Curtain showing classic water mark.

Same lining after Cleaning.